22 posts
played by K8
Post by RICHARD YEO on Aug 21, 2016 16:23:45 GMT -6
undercover sector three agent with a license to thrill richard yeo. currently a park ranger in anytown, usa. likely wears a uniform that’s a little too tight and drives his ranger suv like he’s in a james bond movie. will likely find mates in sector three and those with government service jobs. is definitely on good terms with someone in anytown’s parks and recreation department. anyone’ll work as a pal as long as they don’t mind getting dragged into a little friendly competition. just keep in mind, richard yeo does not lose contests. he wins them. or quits them because they’re unfair. will similarly find rivals in sector three, those with government service jobs and just about anyone else. he’s cocky, he’s self-obsessed and probably deserves the tattoo “I HAVE ULTERIOR MOTIVES” along his swole abs. do not trust him, he is a fugly slut. what’s a secret agent without a bit ‘a’ romance? a gal or guy in every port, he’ll say, and richard has enough pick-up lines at his disposal for at least a couple more. atm, i’m afraid his attentions are a little pre-occupied. lucky for everyone | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus consequat nec tellus id consectetur. Praesent faucibus metus nisl, at vulputate sem pretium et. Curabitur sed erat gravida, blandit diam vel, dapibus lectus. Praesent suscipit ante vel est sagittis viverra. Fusce sapien magna, tincidunt at gravida nec, venenatis et erat. Suspendisse tempor, turpis eu viverra consequat, urna ipsum rhoncus leo, nec sodales lacus ex sit amet augue. Curabitur odio tortor, eleifend nec sem nec, congue dapibus nunc. Donec ac elementum mauris, luctus lacinia sapien. In ultrices leo purus, a gravida neque iaculis nec. Duis lacus nulla, varius sed erat et, faucibus egestas lorem. Nunc vestibulum nisi sed gravida interdum. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Ut ac augue eu magna rhoncus fermentum. Integer in fermentum orci, at varius eros. Praesent ultrices augue ut elit dignissim placerat. Cras condimentum rutrum volutpat. Proin malesuada luctus lacus. Donec consequat tellus id turpis condimentum placerat. Cras vitae augue ac turpis lobortis pulvinar. Aenean elit tellus, tristique ac tempor vel, ultrices vel lectus. Nunc neque ante, placerat venenatis nisi non, pellentesque imperdiet dolor. Nullam in ante eu urna aliquet molestie. Fusce id erat quis felis semper blandit. Nam at aliquam purus, at convallis diam. Proin id fermentum magna. Nam imperdiet, orci id varius ullamcorper, lectus nisl tincidunt ligula, vitae rutrum magna lectus nec eros. Cras vitae tincidunt ante. Phasellus non tellus egestas, sodales nisl sit amet, semper augue. Nulla eros dui, pellentesque quis ultricies vel, eleifend vitae magna. Duis eu magna et elit ultrices convallis. Integer erat nunc, dictum eget tortor consequat, vehicula volutpat augue. Curabitur eu fringilla risus, et maximus risus. Pellentesque molestie maximus tortor, vel ullamcorper tortor gravida gravida. Vestibulum at nunc gravida, sagittis diam ac, cursus ante. Nulla sagittis ex eget placerat posuere. Donec enim justo, dapibus a porta sit amet, venenatis eu ipsum. Quisque sodales volutpat commodo. |
Post by KIYO IKEDA on Aug 21, 2016 17:07:25 GMT -6
RICHARD YEO + KIYO IKEDA did you say preoccupation her name is kiyo ikeda
so yeah, i'm just gonna throw stuff here because i want our love to be public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kiyo and richard obviously meet in sector three, and ... well their personalities obviously clash a little. she's very secretive and i mean she has to be, she's an undercover agent, and so is he...but she's beyond secretive. and a little distant. something that richard most certainly doesn't seem to be, on the surface, so perhaps a little dissonance there?
but it is a balancing dissonance, i think. and i'm more than excited for the touching painting-in-the-woods scene. bUT FOR NOW THEY HAVE TO MEET...bumping into eachother in a sector three HQ hallway? or maybe he almost runs over her with his park ranger jeep? that could be interesting. i mean she'd be miffed but that's fun.
idk this was a bunch of word vomit SRY LOVE
22 posts
played by K8
Post by RICHARD YEO on Aug 21, 2016 17:42:04 GMT -6
KIYO IKEDA is almost less a pre-occupation, more a confusing and perpetual traffic jam that RICHARD YEO 's stuck in and also weirdly turned on by??
isn't kiyo mysterious? she's almost as mysterious as anytown. you're so right here, they are both secretive but they've got their different strategies. kiyo is aloof but richard is word for word saying "if i told you that.... i'd have to kill you" and, honestly, after that point no-one wants to hear anything. well-played, richard. i'm getting off-topic here. what i meant to say is i love the dissonance!
while i am incredibly fond of the idea of richard nearly running kiyo over in his jeep i would love a thread at the sector three hq! maybe richard offers her an orientation around the facility? i would chance on him on starting interaction because he's curious. or maybe this is a competition to him because NO ONE GETS TO BE MYSTERIOUS AS RICHARD YEO!!! we can see where things go on from there.
Post by ALYSON MONTALBAN on Aug 22, 2016 0:28:44 GMT -6
i needwant ALYSON MONTALBAN to unknowingly flirt with every sector three agent?? mysterious hotties everywhere. um if he drinks there could be a bar meeting; damsel in distress situation/meeting in a grocery store/whatever else is all cool and possible w/ her! she'll be happy as long as she can touch RICHARD YEO 's muscles (intentionally or not)
22 posts
played by K8
Post by RICHARD YEO on Aug 22, 2016 23:12:15 GMT -6
ALYSON MONTALBAN needs to collect a sector three harem. truly this secret government agency is just in anytown for the purpose of being her $$$ mega rich boy toys $$$. seriously.... i admire her business acumen.... sorry RICHARD YEO is actually broke but he has his glamour muscles. those are as good as money, right?
i lvoe these ideas.... grocery store sounds so cute.... i was wondering how abt one where richard is trying to settle a tab w/ her @ the bar? i could imagine the rangers getting one out for a night out? it may turn into a "help me figure out what i did to get so hungover", js! anyway, i can start? edit: clarified some typos... im so sorry ITS EARLY MORNING FOR ME
Post by ALYSON MONTALBAN on Aug 23, 2016 0:05:38 GMT -6
u caught ALYSON MONTALBAN ...she's really in anytown to thirst after sector three agents. RICHARD YEO 's glamour muscles will not escape her + money doesn't matter when there's Rock Hard Abs involved
bar thread/meeting sounds good, go ahead! aly will probably be lowkey offended if she put all that effort into flirting only for him to forget ;(